Please remember when ordering, we are members of the BADDEST Motorcycle Club in the world, and we travel often. PLEASE ALLOW 7 - 14 DAYS FOR DELIVERY.
All items in our store are designed, created, and printed in house, in our own shop. When we receive your order, it will be printed, packaged, and shipped. You should receive a tracking number as long as you provide a valid email address on checkout.
BMC Ozark Mountain is a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit. Your purchases on our website are actually considered donations and are tax deductible.
BMC Ozark Mountain members are all avid motorcyclist, with a strong since of brotherhood, community service, motorcycle awareness, safety and the joy of riding. Our members each, average 10,000 – 15,000 miles a year, riding their motorcycles, and usually together with one or more members. That is as much, if not more, than the average driver drives their car in a year. (We are our Brothers Keepers).
BMC Ozark Mountain conducts gatherings for members, families, and invited guest, consisting of but not limited to cookouts, potlucks, parties, fun and games. The purpose is to brings us together as a group, and foster a strong since of togetherness and brotherhood amongst members and families. Most of these gatherings are all day events. When a member is in need, we come together and help that member or their families with whatever is needed and within our abilities.
Members additionally ride their motorcycles, attending local community bike nights, charity events, and gatherings. This again helps foster togetherness, and brotherhood among our members, and helps promote bringing together community motorcyclist, as well as to promote motorcycle awareness, safety, and brotherhood within the community.
BMC Ozark Mountain organizes several out of state group motorcycle rides a year. Labor Day and Memorial Day rides are 3 to 5 day rides, starting on normally a Wednesday, and ending on the following Sunday. Thanksgiving weekend starting on Friday after Thanksgiving, we organize and conduct a 2 day ride out of state. Throughout the year there are many motorcycle rallies and events around the country, and we will organize and conduct weekend rides to attend these events.
BMC Ozark Mountain members will always do our best to attend and show our support for any funerals of members of likeminded motorcycle groups within a 500 mile radius of our home.
Community Service
The week before Thanksgiving every year, BMC Ozark Mountain holds a Community Thanksgiving dinner. Open to the general public. BMC Ozark Mountain put together and deliver food basket for families in need. We collect non-perishable foods, money, and needed items for our community food bank.
Thanksgiving is also the start of our Toys for Tots campaign, where we collect and donate Toys and money to the Marine Corp Toys for Tots drive, as well as the start of our annual Christmas food drive, were we collect and deliver Christmas food baskets, and toys to community families in need.
BMC Ozark Mountain members are ready to help with disaster relief as needed, from providing water, meals, clothing, emergency funds, and cleanup and recovery in our local communities.
BMC Ozark Mountain will conduct on an as needed basis, events such as poker runs, parties, and fund raisers, for individuals in our community, who have been involved in an accident, stricken with injuries, sickness, disease, as well as death causing undue financial hardship for the individual and or family. In these cases, any funds collected and raised, are done in the individual or families name, and 100% of the proceeds go directly to the individual or family. Events are conducted on a case by case, as needed basis. It is hard to say exactly how much of our time and funds go to these type causes, but the majority of all our time and funds are consumed by them.
Members of BMC Ozark Mountain take part in 1 to 2 events a year with and for Arkansas Bikers for Children. 100% of funds raised go directly to Arkansas Children's Hospital.
BMC Ozark Mountain conducts events to raise funds and awareness for the BOB DAVIS Veterans Center in Mountain Home Arkansas, as well as attend any event or fund raiser conducted by or for the BOB DAVIS Veterans Center and assist in any way possible. 100% of funds raised go directly to BOBDAVIS Veterans Center.
Members of BMC Ozark Mountain take part yearly in the Feed The Vets as well as other events to Honor our Military and Veterans.
BMC Ozark Mountain sells t-shirts and memorabilia throughout the year to cover any operational expenses, as well as emergency funds that maybe needed to help members of our community throughout the year who are in need. Sometimes the need is immediate and not enough time to organize a planned event. No member of BMC Ozark Mountain receives any form of pay or compensation. BMC Ozark Mountain is 100% voluntary. Everything we do is for the love of brotherhood, motorcycle riding, and community service.
BMC Ozark Mountain is a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit